Saturday, October 27, 2007

Lifelong Learner

After taking a run through the lifelong learner slideshow I found that I have been embracing this stuff for years just out of necessity.

The things that I always have the greatest trouble with are finding the time and the patience to do it. There are always other things on my plate, especially at work, and I expect good results while I am still in the "reading the manual" stage of things.

The stuff I embrace is the whole capacity to learn that we keep and get better at the more we do it. I learned auto repair because my 20 yr old Volvo wagon needed it (it was 18 years NEW when I got it!). I learned how to work in fibreglass when I bought a sailboat for a song that just happened to have a couple of gaping holes in the hull (I knew about them beforehand, yes the boat did sink, yes I did get it up off the bottom for under a hundred bucks, yes I did feel like McGuyver when I did it). I am a great believer in the capacity of all of us to keep learning all our live, we just need to stay motivated (and life often provides us with that motivation when we least expect it).

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